Nepailstančios knygų žiurkelės paskaitė ir aprašė, o man ėmė ir "kablys" įsimetė, ne, ne tas, kai priverstinai kilnoji, bet tas, kai nenurimsti, kol neturi savo lentynoj - paglostai, apžiūri, pauostai ir ... atverti pirmą puslapį ! Tiesa, prieš tai turi susimokėti, neišvengiamai. Taigi, susižvejojau tokiam elektroniniame knygyne Alibris Xiaolu Guo "A Concise Chinese-English Dictionary for Lovers". (Beje, knygos kaina buvo labai jau priimtina (nes ne nauja knyga, iš King County bibliotekos, pasirodo :)), bet štai atsiuntimo - žiauriai kandžiojosi.) Įdomu tai, kad pasirodo, parsisiunčiau large print variantą, tad skaityti buvo patogiau ir smagiau: ne tik raidės didelės, bet ir puslapiai "verčiasi" greičiau :)
Z. atvažiavo į Londoną iš pietų Kinijos. Į visai naują pasaulį, lyg ateivė iš kitos planetos, nes ne tik kalba, bet ir visa aplinka, kasdienio gyvenimo įpročiai, elgesys, net ir mintys, ir už jų slypinti pasąmonė čia visai kitokia. Galėtum sakyti, knyga apie kultūrinį šoką, - taip, tiesa; gal apie Rytų ir Vakarų kultūrų sandūrą, - irgi tiesa; gal dar apie meilę, - žinoma! Ir dar apie savęs ieškojimą, savęs supratimą, savo ištakų ir savos kultūros įsisąmoninimą. Apie nusivylimą ir atkaklumą. Apie atradimus net neieškant ir apie praradimus tikintis išsaugoti.
Graži knyga. Keletas ištraukų (kalba netaisyta :)):
If more people bleeding in native country, then those men not making war in other place.
"What privacy? But we living together! No privacy if we are lovers!"
But why people need privacy? Why privacy is important? In China, every family live together, grandparents, parents, daughter, son, and their relatives too. Eat together and share everything, talk about everything. Privacy make people lonely. Privay make familly fallen apart.
<...>How can intimate live with privacy? <...> Maybe people here have problems being intimate with each other. People keep distance because they want independence, so lovers don't live together, instead they only see each other at weekend or sleep together twice a week. A family doesn't live with together therefore the intimate inside of family disappeared. Maybe that why Westerners much more separated, lonely, and have more Old People's House.
The emptiness is without form, but the form is also the emptiness. The emptiness is not empty, actually it is full. It is the beginning of everything. (šitos mintys nerealios!!!)
I say I love you, but you say you want to have freedom. Why freedom more important than love? Without love freedom is naked. Why can't love live with freedome? Why is love the prison for freedom? How many people live in this prison then?
Home is everything. Home is not sex, but also about it. Home is not a delicious meal, but also about it. Home is not a lighted bedroom, but is laso about it. Home is not a hot bath in the winter, but it is also about it.
I try to learn more vocabularies to be able to communicate. I try to put the whole dictionary in my brain. But in this remote countryside, in this nobody's wonderland, what's the point of this? It doens't matter of one speaks Chinese or English here; it doens't matter if one is mute or deaf. Language is not important anymore. Only the simple physical existence matters in the nature.
Everything is for the next step. So look this nature, life is about the expectation, but not about now, not about today, or tonight. So you can't only live in today, that will be the doom day.
3 komentarai:
Vaidule, ar galeciau pasiskolint ?...
Mielai paskolinsiu :)
Brukstelk i pasta, susiderinsim laika ir vieta.
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